Slide Racking Optic Plate for P365 Slides
Slide Racking Optic Plate for P365 Slides
Slide Racking Optic Plate for P365 Slides

Slide Racking Optic Plate for P365 Slides


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The Slide Racking Optic plate replaces your existing slide plate with a slide plate that adds a low profile snag free optic plate to give a more secure slide rack. I deal for the Raider365 or any P365 slide that doesn't need an optic mount don the slide, Optic mounting version coming also....

"No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by both our companies as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products. Furthermore, our company accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our or other companies' products. Please seek a professional for any and all product installs. By purchasing this product you assume all risk and waive your right to seek damages due to improper use or install of this product."

Product Liability

"No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by both our companies as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products. Furthermore, our company accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our or other companies' products. Please seek a professional for any and all product installs. By purchasing this product you assume all risk and waive your right to seek damages due to improper use or install of this product."